SUPPORTERS Rory Sutherland Sir Richard Branson Malcolm Gladwell Barry Schwartz Tony Robbins Al Gore |
ADOBE Visual Targeting® is the new industry standard in visual design research, trusted by Fortune 500s, Businesses, Bestsellers and Celebrities in 182 countries. A suite of 5 visual marketing research solutions protected by 3 United States Patents, Visual Targeting® design research technologies have been mentioned at as "the most powerful advancement in the visual style industries, that this century will see," and have been called "Another win for humanity," at Visual Targeting® allows designers, marketeers, branding experts, businesses and entrepreneurs, to discover what visual style elements any individual client, group target market, or demographic target market, needs to be shown, in order to maximize the probability that they will prefer and select a particular presented design option, above any other choice that they are presented with. It helps create the best design. Visual Targeting® allows companies to create and deploy design solutions that are scientifically enhanced in order to elicit the highest possible consumer choice probability from the target markets that they are shown to. Born inside a branding agency, and Founded in 2007 in Malibu, California. Visual Targeting® allows anyone to test anyone else's psychological subconscious Visual Tastes, Visual Response Patterns and Style Trends™ letting people learn powerful things about themselves, their clients, and their target audiences, that nobody knew before. Visual Targeting® has been taught at the FiDM Fashion Institute for Design and Merchandising and the United States Small Business Administration, it is an official Ogilvy&Mather partner, and a book about Visual Targeting® is available at Barnes&Noble. OGILVY Trusted in over 182 countries, Visual Targeting® is the difference between attracting and repelling your target market. VisualTargeting's patented suite of technologies, is the world's only way to discover consumers' Psychological Visual Tastes & Response Patterns, before making a design. Trusted by Fortune 500s, Business Bestsellers, Business Celebrities, Higher Education, Businesses, Visual Targeting® has been proven to boost every type of measurable business performance by 40% to 400% and up to and over 1,000% all the way from satisfaction to record sales. |