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Visual Targeting® Unveils a Discovery, Which Triggers the Buying Instinct, Boosts Sales and Causes Love at First Sight


Visual Targeting® announces marketing breakthrough: when any person or audience is exposed to a design, advertisement, video, motion picture, or any visual environment that matches their unconscious visual desires, they fall in love with it at first sight. According to global research by Visual Targeting® this phenomenon of Instant Attraction triggers The Buying Instinct, and resembles the psychological patterns of sexual attraction.

After more than a decade of research and development, Visual Targeting's team of marketing researchers, psychologists, statisticians, programmers, designers, and branding experts have developed a proprietary suite of solutions and trade secret algorithms that discover any audience's visual desires and allows marketers to instantly satisfy them, thus drastically improving design performance and product sales. Visual Targeting® has rigorously tested and proven that these tools can increase visual advertising performance by as much as 400%, turning the $500 Billion gambled annually on visual marketing into predictable, controllable and consistently profitable investments.

Visual Targeting® Founder and CEO, Steven Kronick, award winning designer & internationally acclaimed arts and advertising innovator, states, "This discovery might be the most powerful advancement in the design, advertising and marketing industries, that this century will see."

Global research shows drastic differences in the visual desires of different demographics; countries, states, ages, genders, occupations, education and income levels all predetermine what types of visuals a person or group needs to see to immediately approve them. Visual desires effects on advertising performance have become so important that Business Week called Google's focus on Online Visual Advertising their "New Billion Dollar Baby."

Visual Targeting's suite of universal solutions is designed to help businesses of any type. Some of the brands and individuals that use Visual Targeting® technologies include Toni&Guy, a global service business, TIGI Haircare, a product conglomerate, UniLever, a multinational behemoth selling 2,000 products per second, Tony Robbins, the world's best motivational coach, and Chet Holmes, a bestselling author, with 6o "Fortune 500" companies as his clients.

Having thoroughly researched thousands upon thousands of consumers' exact visual desires in over 160 countries, Visual Targeting's depth, scope and quality remain unmatched, and its vision touches millions of people worldwide every day.

Visual Targeting® is the global leader in visual market research, whose suite of proprietary solutions allows any company to research their target markets, existing customers, website visitors, and any other viewerships they choose to attract, all with the direct result of increasing customer satisfaction, retention, brand credibility and product sales.

Forbes via Berkshire Hathaway

Visual Targeting® is the World's Industry Standard in Visual Style, Trusted by Fortune 500 Businesses, Bestsellers, Celebrities, in 181 World Nations.

United States Patents Granted | Technology names are Trademarks of Visual Targeting Incorporation © 2024 | Made In Malibu Beach, US Virgin Islands


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